Dexter beef and chicken are currently in stock! Kunekune pork is out of stock until Spring 2025! New item: Chicken Bone Broth by the quart now in stock!

How We Raise Our Pastured Poultry and Eggs

All of our poultry (meat chickens, laying hens, ducks, and turkeys) are raised on pasture using the following:

  • Rotational grazing in chicken tractors (young birds 10 weeks and under)
  • The ability to free range our entire 10 acres as they please (laying hens, ducks, turkeys)
  • The ability to free range in a large paddock behind electric poultry netting
  • No antibiotics or hormones added to the feed ever (life-saving antibiotics on a case-by-case basis for our layer flock and breeding flock -- which we have never had to use)
  • No vaccines in any birds for meat production
  • Vaccines for Marek's and Coccidiosis only in our laying hen flock - spent layer hens for sale for stew meat will have this disclosed in the item description
  • Soy-free, corn-free, and non-GMO feed is fed for the life of all meat birds and layers from our local mill (main ingredients are peanut and milo)
  • Emergency feed is only used when our mill has had a shortage of the non-GMO feed (which has happened once) and is conventional corn and soy feed, but has only ever been fed to our layer flock for a short period of 2 weeks until the supply was available again
  • All birds are processed at a USDA inspected facility locally -- any others fall under the 1000 bird exemption for on the farm processing (such as ducks and quail as none of the local USDA processors are certified to do either of those species)

Chicken Backs for Stock

Vacuum packaged, 2 cuts - 2.5 lb Avg/pkg. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$5.00 /lb.
Avg. 2.4 lb.

Chicken Bone Broth (Quart)

1 quart size of chicken bone broth made from our pasture raised, corn and soy-free, non-GMO chicken, created in the Happy Harvest Kitchen in Sanger, Tx.

Chicken Breasts Boneless Skinless

Vacuum packaged, 2 cuts - .5lbs average. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$13.00 /lb.
Avg. 8 oz.

Chicken Drumsticks

Vacuum packaged, 4 per package - 1 lbs average. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

Save $5.00 /lb.
$5.00 /lb.
$10.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Chicken Feet for Stock

Vacuum packaged 10 cuts - average 1.11lbs. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$5.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Chicken Hearts

Vacuum packaged, 50 cuts - 1.07lbs average. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$7.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Chicken Jointed Wings

Vacuum packaged. 4-6 cuts - 2.25 lb average. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$10.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Chicken Livers

Vacuum packaged, 7-10 cuts - average 1.08lbs. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$7.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Chicken Necks for Stock

Vacuum packaged, 2-4 cuts, 1lb average. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$5.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Chicken Tenders

Vacuum packaged. 6-8 cuts - .5lbs average. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$15.00 /lb.
Avg. 8 oz.

Chicken Thighs

Vacuum packaged. 4 per package - 1.25lb average. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$10.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Chicken Whole

Whole heritage breed chicken, vacuum packaged and ranges in weight from 2.5-4lbs on average. Soy free, Corn free, Non-GMO. Processed at a USDA inspected facility.

$10.00 /lb.
Avg. 3 lb.